Our student body is made up of more than 1,900 students from 36 states and 63 countries.
Our student body is made up of more than 1,900 students from 36 states and 63 countries.
Boasting low unemployment, low crime rates, and a booming economy, Fargo-Moorhead has become a regional hub for culture, education, and healthcare.
ÄϹÏÓ°Ôº offers more than 140 areas of study, including 12 preprofessional programs.
The purpose of ÄϹÏÓ°Ôº is to influence the affairs of the world by sending into society thoughtful and informed men and women dedicated to the Christian life.
With more than 35,000 alumni across the nation and the globe, the Cobber community extends well beyond the borders of our campus.
We call it the worldwide Cobber network and its benefits include access to mentors, leads on internships and jobs, and lots of expert advice. Plus, many loyal alumni support the college financially each year — which helps to offset the cost of attendance for current and future students.
Carlie Heinecke ’23
As a college of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, ÄϹÏÓ°Ôº is strongly rooted in the tradition of free inquiry and dialogue. We believe that our faith liberates us to question assumptions and examine information with a critical eye. We welcome students from a variety of faith and nonfaith backgrounds, and we value the diverse perspectives that everyone brings to our learning community.
Recognizing that a transformative education calls us to learn across difference, ÄϹÏÓ°Ôº has established several priorities to affirm diversity of identities, experiences, and perspectives as a condition of institutional excellence, leading all who study and work here to honor difference with respectful understanding and to practice courageous citizenship for the common good.
Founded in 1891 by Norwegian settlers who valued education and their religious heritage, ÄϹÏÓ°Ôº opened its doors with 12 students and three instructors.
Be a Cobber and be part of our a-maize-ing traditions. See what we did there?