ÄϹÏÓ°Ôº’s crisis management plan was developed in consultation with Clay County Emergency Management and involves extensive coordination with city and county emergency services.

The offices of Risk Management and Security/Public Safety work together with ÄϹÏÓ°Ôº’s crisis management team to regularly evaluate and enhance the crisis plan as necessary.

In the event of an emergency, the ÄϹÏÓ°Ôº website is your source for official college emergency information. Additionally, all students are encouraged to , which will provide emergency information to designated cell phone numbers and e-mail addresses.

Emergency Guide

The Emergency Guide is a critically important resource detailing reporting, response and notification procedures related to a variety of crisis situations.

When an individual with a firearm is killing people or attempting to kill people (whether inside or outside a building) where you are located, act as follows:

  • Run - leave your belongings behind and run while keeping you hands visible so law enforcement will know are you not the person with the weapon. If you get away from the immediate danger area, call Emergency Dispatch(911) and Security/Public Safety (3123) and warn others not to go near the danger area.
  • Hide – If you are not able to run away from the shooter, your second option is to to hide out of view of the shooter. Barricade or lock the door, if possible, and silence you cell phone. Stay low and away from windows.
  • Fight – As a last resort when your life is in imminent danger it may be necessary to fight. Attempt to incapacitate the shooter. Use physical aggression and throw things at the shooter. Call 911 when it is safe to do so. When law enforcement arrives follow instructions, put down any items in your hands and keep your hands visible at all times. Avoid pointing, screaming or yelling.

Run. Hide. Fight. is a program of the Department of Homeland Security.

Chemical spills that do not pose an obvious threat:

Attempt to confine the spill if you have been trained and it is safe to do so. If you have contact with the spilled material, remove contaminated clothing immediately and flush all areas of the body affected with large amounts of water for at least 15 minutes. Get away from the spill area to fresh air.

Notify Security/Public Safety (3123) and report the following:

  • Building name
  • Floor and room number
  • Type of accident
  • Chemicals and quantities involved

Chemical spills that pose an obvious threat:

Notify Emergency Dispatch (911), followed by Security/Public Safety (3123) and report the following:

  • Building name
  • Floor and room number
  • Type of accident
  • Chemicals and quantities involved

Evacuate the building immediately.

Criminal Situations - Acts of Violence, Assault, Weapons

A. All Acts of Violence

After first making sure that you are safe, call 911 or 3123 immediately. Be prepared to provide the following information:

  • Exact location of the incident
  • Exact location of any victims
  • Number of suspect(s) involved
  • Description of suspect(s) — sex, race, height, weight, hair color, age, clothing
  • Direction of travel of suspect(s) and how they fled the scene — on foot or vehicle
  • Vehicle description — car, pick-up, SUV, make, model, color, license plate number
  • Your name, current location and telephone number Do not attempt to detain the suspect(s). Never place yourself or others in danger to obtain any information.

B. Acts of Violence — Sexual Assault

After first making sure that you are safe, call 911 or 3123 immediately. Be prepared to provide information as noted in the previous section on All Acts of Violence. In addition:

  • Get medical treatment promptly.
  • Do not shower or change clothing — important physical evidence can be gathered after an assault.
  • Seek support and counseling from the ÄϹÏÓ°Ôº Counseling Center (3514) and/or the Rape and Abuse Crisis Center of Fargo-Moorhead (293-7273).

C. Bomb, Biological, Chemical Threats

If the threat is contained in a written message, do not throw it away. Keep the message and any envelopes and give to police. Limit handling of the message and envelope. Keep track of the following information:

  • To whom in particular, if anyone, was the message sent?
  • How was the message sent (campus mail, U.S. mail, e-mail)?
  • Have previous threats been made?

If the threat is made by e-mail, do not delete the message — leave it open. Read the e-mail threat to determine if you are in immediate danger. Call Emergency Dispatch (911) and Security/Public Safety (3123). Follow police and Security/Public Safety instructions.

If the threat is received by telephone, remain calm and try to get as much information as possible about the threat and the caller. Do not hang up the phone. Call Emergency Dispatch (911) and Security/Public Safety (3123) from a different phone or have someone else make the emergency calls while you remain on the line with the person calling in the threat. Keep track of the following information:

  • Date and time of call
  • Time and location where the incident will occur (name of building, location in the building, location on campus grounds).
  • What type of bomb, biological agent or chemical will be used?
  • What is the reason for the threat?
  • Who is the target?
  • Who is responsible for the threat?
  • Who is the caller — sex, estimated age, emotional state (excited, calm, upset, etc.)?
  • Did the caller have a particular accent, voice pattern or unusual/distinct word usage?
  • Did you hear any background noises (music, traffic, trains, voices, etc.)?

Suspicious Items/Packages

Report any suspicious items/packages to Emergency Dispatch (911) and Security/Public Safety (3123) from another location. Tell others to stay away from the item or package. Do not investigate or touch the item or package.

D. Suspicious Person/Illegal Activity

If you believe you are witnessing a crime or a person seems suspicious, trust your instincts and call Emergency Dispatch (911) and Security/Public Safety (3123). Report everything you observed about the crime or suspicious person including:

  • Where the suspected crime or person is located
  • What the person(s) is/are doing
  • Description of the person(s) involved
  • If you saw any weapons
  • Vehicle description
  • Direction of travel

Do not attempt to detain the suspect(s). Never place yourself or others in danger to obtain any information.

E. Weapons

If you suspect a person is carrying a weapon on campus, alert Security/Public Safety immediately (3123). Report the following information:

  • Where is/are the person(s)
  • What is happening
  • Physical and clothing description
  • Type of weapon
  • Vehicle description and license plate number (if applicable)
  • Where last seen or direction of travel

Do not attempt to detain the suspect(s). Never place yourself or others in danger to obtain any information.

See also the Active Shooter entry.

Evacuation Procedure

911 personnel, Public Safety & Security, or emergency coordinators may instruct you to evacuate or to remain in place depending on the type of emergency. Evacuation procedures may vary depending on the nature of the emergency. Buildings will be evacuated when an alarm sounds or upon notification by emergency personnel. Be prepared to do the following:

  • Activate the building’s alarm if emergency personnel tell you to do so, or if it is apparent that people will be harmed if they do not leave (i.e. fire).
  • When the building evacuation alarm is sounded or when you are told to leave by emergency personnel, walk quickly to the nearest exit. Do not use elevators. Do not take time to shut down computers.
  • Once outside, leave the immediate area.
  • Do not return to the evacuated area until advised that it is safe to do so by emergency personnel.
  • Be ready to assist people with physical challenges.

Lockdown Procedure

Some emergencies may require that you take shelter inside buildings. Incidents such as a hostile person, severe weather or a hazardous material release are examples of times when you may be asked to stay in a specific area.

Public Safety & Security or law enforcement and emergency personnel will instruct you to evacuate or remain in place depending on the nature and context of the emergency. If you are ordered to lock down an area:

  • Go to the closest building.
  • Close windows and doors and stay away from them.
  • Lock doors if possible.
  • Turn off air-conditioning, ventilation and lighting if possible.
  • Close window coverings.
  • Remain quiet and in place until notified by emergency personnel.
  • Silence phones and do not use them unless you are calling emergency personnel.

Familiarize yourself with the locations of fire extinguishers and all exits in your building.

If you see or smell smoke or fire, do the following:

  • Call 911 and activate the building’s fire alarms at a red pull station.
  • Always assume that an emergency exists if fire alarms are sounded.
  • Get out of the building. All rooms must be evacuated. Walk quickly to the nearest exit. Do not use elevators.
  • Test doors to see if they are hot. If they are hot, the fire may be blocking your exit. Seal the crack under the door with clothing or towels, preferably wet.
  • Open a door or window in the room and hang clothing, a sheet or a towel outside to attract the attention of emergency rescue personnel.
  • If possible, wait for a rescuer to come get you.
  • Shout at regular intervals to alert emergency crews of your location.
  • If smoke is present — stay close to the floor and hold your breath if possible.
  • Once outside, stay at least 500 feet from the building and out of the way of emergency personnel.

Reporting an Emergency

Calling from Campus Phone
9-911 for Emergency Dispatch
3123 for Security/Public Safety

Calling from-Non Campus Phone
911 for Emergency Dispatch
299-3123 for Security/Public Safety

A. Injury

If you become aware of a person who is seriously injured, call 911 and Security/ Public Safety (3123). Be prepared to provide the following information:

  • Exact location of the injured person.
  • Condition of the injured person — level of consciousness, breathing, blood loss, legal or illegal drug and alcohol use, apparent nature of injuries.
  • Name, address, phone number(s) of injured person if possible.
  • Your name, address, phone number.

B. Suicide Attempt

If someone is threatening suicide, call Security/Public Safety (3123). Be prepared to provide the following information:

  • Exact location of the suicidal person.
  • Suicidal person’s name, address, phone number (if known).
  • Your name, current location, address and phone number(s).
  • Your relationship to the suicidal person.
  • What the suicidal person said or did to make you think he/she is suicidal.
  • Are you aware of the suicidal person’s plan?
  • Does the suicidal person have any weapons and if so, what type?
  • Has the suicidal person threatened anyone?

Suicide prevention assistance is also available from the ÄϹÏÓ°Ôº Counseling Center (3514) and the Suicide Hotline (232-4357). If someone has attempted suicide, call Security/Public Safety (3123) immediately. Follow instructions above.

Campus Communication in the Event of an Emergency

Emergency Notification

Depending on the origin and nature of a campuswide emergency, the campus community will be alerted by one or more of the following methods:

  • Omnilert e2Campus: This is a system that sends emergency messages to designated cellphones and email addresses. Those registering for the service will receive timely information during college emergencies. Normal fees from cellphone providers apply, but there is no charge from the college to use the service. You can .
  • Email: Any correspondence from emergency@cord.edu should be opened immediately. This address is reserved exclusively for emergency information.
  • Website: In the event of an ongoing campus emergency, regular updates will be provided on the following website: . This will help ensure access to online emergency information, even if the college server is not operational.

Media Inquiries

The Office of Communications and Marketing will be the source of official college information in a crisis situation. College employees should refrain from public comment and instead direct all media inquiries to Candace Harmon (3642 or charmon1@cord.edu).

Reporting an Emergency

Calling from Campus Phone
9-911 for Emergency Dispatch
3123 for Security/Public Safety

Calling from Non-Campus Phone
911 for Emergency Dispatch
299-3123 for Security/Public Safety

A. Gas Leaks

If you detect or are aware of a gas leak, follow these instructions:

  • Stop what you are doing and evacuate the area.
  • Do not switch on any electrical equipment, as that could cause an explosion.
  • Call 911 and Security/Public Safety (3123) immediately.

B. Plumbing Problems/Flooding

In the event of plumbing problems or flooding:

  • Do not use any electrical equipment.
  • If the leak is a small plumbing problem, call Facilities Management (3362) for assistance.
  • If a pipe has burst or rainfall is causing building flooding, call Security/ Public Safety (3123) and vacate the area if necessary.

C. Power Outages

Report power outages to Facilities Management personnel (3362) during regular business hours and to Security/Public Safety (3123) after hours.


Weather-related updates, including any announcements about cancelled classes or closing the campus will be posted on our emergency site,


  • Remove belongings from the floor if possible.
  • Small items of value may be taken with you if you must leave.
  • Move to a higher floor.
  • If sidewalks and streets are overcome with water, do not evacuate the building. Move to a higher floor.


If the National Weather Service issues a tornado warning for the Fargo-Moorhead area, the citywide Civil Defense Sirens will sound (these sirens are tested the first Wednesday of each month at 1 p.m.). If the sirens sound during the non-testing time:

  • Go to the lowest level of the building you are in and stay away from windows and exterior doors.
  • Monitor emergency weather statements and developments on a battery-operated radio since violent storms can often lead to power outages.
  • If power remains available, monitor emergency weather radar statements on a radio, TV or computer.

Media inquiries should be directed to:

ÄϹÏÓ°Ôº Media Relations Office

Reporting an Emergency

  • Calling from Campus Phone
    9-911 for Emergency Dispatch
    3123 for Security/Public Safety
  • Calling from-Non Campus Phone
    911 for Emergency Dispatch
    299-3123 for Security/Public Safety