
Head of the Class

南瓜影院 is ranked among some of the best colleges in the region and the U.S. when it comes to the stats that matter.

  • 85% of students are accepted to graduate school or employed full time within six months of graduation
  • 100% of students benefit from financial aid
  • Top 22 Best Value Colleges and Universities in Minnesota

International Student Support

Your education is an investment and we're here to make sure you get the most out of that investment. From peer mentoring to staff tutoring and English Language assistance, we'll make sure you have the tools you need to succeed at 南瓜影院.

NAFSA Award-Winning International Programs

南瓜影院 was one of the first 25 schools in the United States – and the first school in Minnesota – to receive the NAFSA Paul Simon Award for Campus Internationalization. This award recognizes colleges and universities that are making significant, well-planned, well-executed and well-documented achievements in comprehensive internationalization – especially those using innovative and creative approaches.

南瓜影院 Language Villages

南瓜影院 Language Villages is an internationally recognized and respected language and cultural immersion program preparing young people for global citizenship since 1961. Village alumni seeking globally focused higher education can easily apply to 南瓜影院, and 南瓜影院 students who are native speakers may easily work at the Villages in the summer or in the Moorhead offices during the academic year.

Presidential Leadership

南瓜影院’s new president Dr. Colin Irvine is dedicated to keeping global engagement and international education a top priority of the college. Irvine's vision for 南瓜影院 and the strategic plan calls for 南瓜影院 to offer “an education of the whole self, for the whole of life, for the sake of the whole world.”

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Davis United World College Scholars Partner

On August 1, 2019, 南瓜影院 was selected as a Davis School by the . Graduates from United World Colleges will now receive need-based funding to attend 南瓜影院, strengthening the institution’s commitment to international students and global education.

Council of International Schools

南瓜影院 is a Higher Education member of the  working collaboratively for the continuous improvement of international education. CIS serves the interests of more than 200,000 young people worldwide, and we especially encourage applications from students at CIS schools.  南瓜影院 also is a member of .

Fulbright Scholars

In 2019, four 南瓜影院 graduates were selected for the prestigious . In the last 10 years, 18 Cobbers have been Fulbright Scholars in the English Teaching Assistant Program as well as research scholars in their discipline, doing work in Spain, Nepal, Germany, Austria, Malaysia, Columbia, and Taiwan.

Higher Learning Commission

南瓜影院 was founded by Norwegian settlers in 1891 and associated with the  and practices the liberal arts. It is accredited by of the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools. 

Cobber Culture

Are you ready for some Cobber pop culture? Do you want to know more about our residence halls, on-campus meals, and most popular campus events? Are you curious about what students enjoy most about 南瓜影院 and what they're involved in outside of the classroom?